roy cheung meaning in Chinese
- Name : roy cheung
职位:财政部经理 - A set of power gloves , a secret weapon that can activate the unknown power of human brain , was stolen by war21 roy cheung
这样做不但能炮制出更天马行空富创意的场面,而且也不会把观众难倒,是不错的风格定位。 - The almost dialogue - free roy cheung and liu kai - chi are also impressive . the two of them rarely talk but their postures alone already bring out the uniqueness of their characters
不过,和《大》不同,此片推广和平或者冤冤相报何时了的讯息并不明显,而是以反面教材的手法,赤裸地暴露出因果循环的残酷之处。 - But the analogy is so obvious that it is not too hard to indentify who is who in the film . the background of this film is set in a not too distant future . a set of power gloves , a secret weapon that can activate the unknown power of human brain , was stolen by war21 ( roy cheung )
电脑特技是此片最大吸引力,片首的未来城市先声夺人,做到有声有色,已见气势不凡,特效明显比《风云》和《中华英雄》进步,撇除其和西片《 thefifthelement 》和《星战前传》的相似,单就技术而论,值得一赞。